AppleJack is best pony.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:24:22 UTC from web-
@embertiger Everypony is best pony
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:29:58 UTC from web -
@embertiger You keep thinking that, honey
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:37:10 UTC from web-
@abigpony Keep thinking what? lol.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:39:25 UTC from web-
@embertiger AJ might be best background pony and best sister, but not best pony
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:42:06 UTC from web-
@abigpony AJ isn't a background pony, she's part of the mane 6. ._. She might be my favorite character now as well, she's awesome.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:44:23 UTC from web-
@tara Wait what, why?
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:45:08 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Because she's an awesome tomboy earth pony. I just re-watched a bunch of season one episodes and suddenly remembered why she was my favorite when I first got into the series. I also like her palomino-ish clors.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:47:13 UTC from web-
@tara She's boooooooooooooooring, we like Raaaarity.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:48:53 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino You're dead to me.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:52:15 UTC from web-
@tara Shut up and duel me.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:52:34 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:52:58 UTC from web-
@tara Blood magic is not dark magic!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:53:53 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Blood magic? What, do you shoot blood out your eyeballs at people like that lizard? xD
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:55:17 UTC from web-
@tara No. Blood is used as a conduit to create stronger spells. :< It's like a miniature sacrifice.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:56:14 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Where'd you get that from anyway?
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:57:52 UTC from web-
@tara Life.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:58:15 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Nooo I mean the blood magic idea, doofus.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:59:40 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:00:56 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:01:48 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:03:08 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Are you the new Morrigan? I'm disappointed. Where are your boobs, and your charms?
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:04:16 UTC from web-
@nerthos NO, BUT IT'S TRUE! SHE DOES WITCH THINGS. Also, I would totally into Blood magic.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:06:16 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino I would too. I would do a Blood Mage/Templar build, to keep harmful effects at bay.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:07:36 UTC from web-
@nerthos Realigned villainous Carcino has joined your party.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:08:30 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Let's go on a quest! We'll kill the archdemon and then get Morrigan. And then we'll fight over who keeps her.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:09:34 UTC from web-
@nerthos Wehh
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:11:15 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino It's going to be fun!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:12:29 UTC from web-
@nerthos Noooooo, can't this be more Fire Emblem? I want a choice.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:13:43 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino But, turns! With turns we are vulnerable.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:15:07 UTC from web-
@nerthos But I have a veritable choice of waifu in that one!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:15:45 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Well I guess I can see your point. We can do a hybrid.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:17:15 UTC from web-
@nerthos Yeeeeeeeee
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:17:58 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino The waifu possibilities of Fire Emblem, and the flexibility of Dragon Age.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:19:40 UTC from web-
@nerthos All dat blood magic.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:20:16 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Dat strategic decisions.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:21:46 UTC from web-
@nerthos Me being a blood mage!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:22:40 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino The possibilities are endless!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:23:24 UTC from web-
@nerthos And by that we mean I kill things with my blood!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:23:49 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Yes, and I kill things with my sword!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:26:25 UTC from web-
@nerthos I'm an unholy abomination!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:27:11 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino And I'm a warrior leader, we're going to be best friends.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:28:29 UTC from web-
@nerthos Until one of us becomes the last boss because of DIVERGENT PLOT LINES.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:29:18 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Or better, we both become bosses and a party gathers to fight us.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:29:55 UTC from web-
@nerthos That's carry over from the second game. Whichever one lives, they become the final boss of the second game.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:30:42 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Nver played the second one.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:31:21 UTC from web-
@nerthos Second what
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:31:41 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino I tought you were talking about DA2.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:32:08 UTC from web-
@nerthos No, I'm making things up now.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:32:29 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Oh well! Being a boss sounds fun though.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:33:19 UTC from web-
@nerthos It's better this way!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:34:35 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino It certainly is!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:36:02 UTC from web-
@nerthos And it's SYMBOLIC
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:36:39 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino I don't care if it's symbolic, it's fun!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:37:15 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:37:48 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:39:20 UTC from web-
@nerthos YAYYYY
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:40:47 UTC from web
@anarchycarcino Oh you mean like a wicca?
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:11:14 UTC from web-
@tara Yep.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:13:05 UTC from web
@anarchycarcino *colors
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:47:27 UTC from web
@tara I'm making a joke on how she's such a bland character
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:45:45 UTC from web-
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:46:34 UTC from web
@anarchycarcino >implying they aren't lower beings
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:47:08 UTC from web -
@anarchycarcino I need to start watching that show. I keep telling myself that I will, but I never get around to it. Super busy sitting on my butt all day on the computer.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:48:28 UTC from web
@abigpony I never seem to follow your jokes somehow.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:50:55 UTC from web-
@tara This is one of my more tame jokes. It's a fandom joke, really.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:51:29 UTC from web
@abigpony Pfffffttttt. Best all around pony sounds about right.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:48:58 UTC from web-
@embertiger nah, but she is seriously pretty cool. She's climbed up to 2nd mane for me right now
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:49:30 UTC from web-
@abigpony Fluttershy is my 2nd favorite. :) AppleBloom is my favorite Cutie Mark Crusader though! <3 I'm watching the stream right now. :P
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:00:24 UTC from web-
@embertiger That's you, huh? At least SOMEONE'S in there. dang right applebloom is best crusader.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:04:14 UTC from web
@thatonestocking Well, no, you'll be in the party that hands one of us our asses.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:30:58 UTC from web -
@thatonestocking I'll get Flemeth's grimoire and shapeshift into a high dragon.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:32:44 UTC from web-
@nerthos A dragon on weed!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:34:51 UTC from web
@thatonestocking No, because I can't set aflame a town in human form.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:38:55 UTC from web -
@thatonestocking But it would drain a considerable amount of mana.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:40:19 UTC from web -
@thatonestocking Yes, but I could recover it safely whilst in dragon form. I need to keep half my mana pool while in human form to be able to cast full regeneration spells in case something happens.
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:42:18 UTC from web -
@thatonestocking Let's earn our organized crime cutie marks! I got the shovel and concrete!
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 04:43:20 UTC from web