

  1. I don't know if I told any of you guys, but I started writing a fan-fic a few weeks back. It's received a pretty positive respond so far and now I'm about to publish the final chapter. If any of you want to check it out and give it a thumbs up, that'd be awesome! Or you don't have to, reading it is fine too! Here's the link:

    Saturday, 18-Aug-12 03:07:06 UTC from web
    1. @pvtflutters *Hnnnng* Random Fanfic, just what i needed :D

      Saturday, 18-Aug-12 03:08:39 UTC from web
      1. @bronysketch Thanks! I hope you enjoy it. The final chapter will be finished in a short while. I really like what I have. All I have to do is wait for my proof reader to finish... well... proof reading.

        Saturday, 18-Aug-12 03:12:23 UTC from web
        1. @pvtflutters I love me a good story, and it's about pegasi so i'll enjoy it even more :D

          Saturday, 18-Aug-12 03:13:55 UTC from web