

  1. There are a lot of things I love about #Mastodon, but there are a lot of things about it recently that are just killing my enthusiasm. I really didn't want to admit it to myself for the longest time, but I can't bear much more of it.

    The mangoposting is cancer, and there's so much of it - the GNU Social half of the fediverse actually does it pretty well, but the Mastodon half is mostly awful. Post-ironic-memes aren't funny. Slightly misspelling words intentionally doesn't mean you're part of some elaborate in-joke. The hidden content jokes are stale and everyone's using the same joke templates from Tumblr circa two years ago. On top of that, the meta-discourse and moderator drama is getting so bad that it sucks the fun out of the entire timeline.

    I've met a lot of great people through Mastodon, and I think it's a great app overall. I particularly like that it works well on my phone, so that I can engage with the fediverse on the go. That's awesome!

    There's just too many goddamned hipsters, and they're the worst offenders. They''re just perpetuating the worst parts of #Twitter and #Tumblr, and the political discourse on there has all of the depth of a Facebook comment thread.

    I shouldn't feel this crotchety. I'm sorry.

    Monday, 21-Aug-17 22:24:02 UTC from Repeated by maiyannah