

  1. Whats everyone doing tonight?

    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:06:08 UTC from web
    1. @onetruebrony Hello. Sitting on my comfy new couch! You?

      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:06:31 UTC from web
      1. @foxgopher Just listening to some Dubstep. Trying to figure out how to do animations... For ponies

        Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:07:06 UTC from web
        1. @onetruebrony Like flash?

          Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:08:19 UTC from web
          1. @foxgopher Yea, i dont know were to get that though, I have after effects cs6 but were do i get adobe flash?

            Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:09:17 UTC from web
            1. @onetruebrony It'd be in the same suite.

              Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:15:05 UTC from web
              1. @foxgopher Ok lemme look

                Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:16:09 UTC from web
                1. @onetruebrony Because usually when adobe releases things, they do all of them at once.

                  Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:18:20 UTC from web
                  1. @foxgopher Well i found it lol, gotta install it though. Im trying to make fanfics

                    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:20:35 UTC from web
                    1. @onetruebrony Oh that'll be neat! I need to read more of those.

                      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:21:00 UTC from web
                      1. @foxgopher haha but dont get too excited. Im really good with vfx. but this is my first time animating. I can send you the link to my channel if you want to see my videos?

                        Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:22:16 UTC from web
                        1. @onetruebrony Maybe another time when I'm not tired and stuff :b

                          Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:27:03 UTC from web
                          1. @foxgopher Haha ok

                            Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:28:48 UTC from web
                            1. @onetruebrony What kind of videos do you make?

                              Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:29:45 UTC from web
                              1. @foxgopher Right now im trying to get into music, become famous like TheLivingTombstone. I make vfx videos too (like gun shots n stuff) but i dont have anyone to do it with me so i havent done that in a while..

                                Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:32:29 UTC from web
                                1. @onetruebrony ah I see. Thats still pretty sweet

                                  Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:32:57 UTC from web
                                  1. @foxgopher Thank you :3

                                    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:33:57 UTC from web
                                    1. @onetruebrony Cool stuff brony!

                                      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:37:25 UTC from web
                                      1. @foxgopher Did you go to my channel?

                                        Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:44:24 UTC from web
                                        1. @onetruebrony I never got a link? lol

                                          Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:44:52 UTC from web
                                          1. @foxgopher Oh its on my page lol

                                            Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:45:16 UTC from web
                                            1. @onetruebrony I'm not really one to go look at others pages. Sure I mean theres stuff there, but can't you tell me out here? Maybe I'm just lazy. Probably that.

                                              Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:46:56 UTC from web
                                              1. @foxgopher My channels name is Klashyn, link is

                                                Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:47:49 UTC from web
                                                1. @onetruebrony Haha ok. Imma go shower at midnight and then probably sleep actually.

                                                  Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:48:57 UTC from web
                                                  1. @foxgopher Alright then. Night

                                                    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:50:41 UTC from web
                                2. @onetruebrony unrelated, but I don't like any of Tombstone's stuff. Then again, I am old fashioned in my musical tastes and I desperately hang on to the 80's.

                                  Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:37:02 UTC from web
    2. @onetruebrony Hey there. I just finished installing my printer's drivers, I'm trying to find a pic to edit and kill someone with laughs.

      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:09:02 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Lol you should make a rage comic :P

        Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:12:04 UTC from web
        1. @onetruebrony Nah, a ragecomic won't work. I need to finish the cast of The Last Melonbender and print them.

          Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:12:46 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Ok then

            Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:13:20 UTC from web
            1. @onetruebrony Because this.

              Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:16:35 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos ONLY THE MELONTAR CAN SAVE US

                Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:17:44 UTC from web
                1. @foxgopher Yeah. Paont is my ally.

                  Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:18:07 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos *paint

                    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:18:24 UTC from web
                  2. @nerthos Tis a strong ally.

                    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:18:57 UTC from web
              2. @nerthos hahahahahahah!

                Sunday, 26-Aug-12 06:18:45 UTC from web