

  1. Good evening everypony.

    Monday, 13-Jun-11 05:59:19 UTC from web
    1. @eqndawnluna Guten Tag!

      Monday, 13-Jun-11 05:59:34 UTC from web
    2. @eqndawnluna A belated good-evening back to you! :)

      Monday, 13-Jun-11 07:31:48 UTC from web
      1. @astra Hey! How've you been?

        Monday, 13-Jun-11 07:33:06 UTC from web
        1. @drewdle Hi, Drewdle! Ohhhh, busybusybusybusybusy . . . and a bit busy after that. Though I did get a nap this afternoon! Yay. *flop* Overall, doing well, though. :) And you?

          Monday, 13-Jun-11 07:36:57 UTC from web
          1. @astra Naps are an excellent way to spend some time. I've got a day off tomorrow, so time for some fiction generation.

            Monday, 13-Jun-11 07:47:44 UTC from web
            1. @drewdle Naps are great when you can get them! As for your day off, that sounds like an excellent plan to me! :) Oh, to have the free time to do that sort of thing again! Maybe in a few weeks, when things might calm down for a little while.

              Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:01:05 UTC from web
              1. @astra It's an interesting balance. I either have time to write, paint, and sing, and am poor, or have some monies, but have no time. So I definitely hear you.

                Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:02:34 UTC from web
                1. @drewdle I am at the point where I have monies but not time. I think I perfer having almost no money but having the free time to do what I enjoy

                  Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:04:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @starlightbolt Mmm. I wish that I could prefer that. Unfortunately, being homeless and starving kind of sucks, so pulling in the monies is sort of a priority for me. *pout*

                    Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:12:17 UTC from web
                    1. @astra Yeah.... I have a full time job right now. I didn't really want a full time but thats all I could get. I'm making far more money than I need and it's really irratating because my hobbies are cheap... $5 pony figures, $10-20 random art supplies, drawing ponies for bronies ~ free... so I really don't needa big paycheck. I just need enough for food, and shelter, which I am earning about 4 times that. I'm thinking of just working for a couple of months then just living off of it for the the next 6 - 8 lol

                      Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:16:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @starlightbolt Im the same way. Applied for part time, and then got thrown headfirst into 40 hour workweeks. But at least the pay check is nice, I suppose.

                        Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:20:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @nutterguy I'm trying to get moved down to part time but it's not looking good

                          Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:24:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          1. @starlightbolt That sucks. Two weeks from now I'll be down to 30 hours a week, which will be nice.

                            Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:26:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            1. @nutterguy I'm jelly. My supervisor is really nice though. If all the work gets finished early he lets me leave. So it's not all bad.

                              Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:27:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @starlightbolt we're on a timepunch system, so no leaving early :p one of the head cashiers is really nice though. Always good to work with people you like.

                                Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:29:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                1. @nutterguy We are on a timepunch too, but we can leave whenever we want really. I just wait for the OK that all the work is done before I go. I don't get paid for the time I left but thats no big deal to me.

                                  Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:32:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            2. @nutterguy Yeah, 30 is pretty good. I work between 19-25 hours a week. But I also get tipped pretty well, and that helps.

                              Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:28:01 UTC from web
                      2. @starlightbolt Oh, one day I may be able to live so cheaply again. One day . . .

                        Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:58:13 UTC from web
                2. @drewdle Ugh! All right, now that I definitely understand. Trying to gradually work my finances so that I'm not QUITE so needful to scrape together as much as I can, and can maybe find work that pays less, but gives me a bit more free time, or something. Wait. Is there such a thing any more?

                  Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:06:44 UTC from web
                  1. @astra There is. I found it by accident. I couldn't take the job I had in one city with me to my new home. I moved about two months ago. Financially, this was a small setback. I don't make as much, although I make enough to get by. The work is much more gratifying, however, and the extra time to myself is awesome. Sometimes it finds you, as opposed to you finding it I think.

                    Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:11:22 UTC from web
                    1. @drewdle Well, that is a hopeful thought. Oddly, when I moved here years ago, the work I found did sort of the same: a step back from what I was doing before, but gave me more free time. Unfortunately, I've since been promoted four times in about as many years, and here I am again. *hangs head* Curse my ambition!

                      Monday, 13-Jun-11 08:15:45 UTC from web