

  1. EEEE :3 Finally got all the parts and built the PC! I seriously can't get over how stupidly fast this machine is... Before anyone comments on the GPU, I do not need one yet, nor do i have the money, or the willpower to wait any longer for this PC. Come my December, i should be on a GeForce 660ti. Also, the Integrated Graphics are good enough, considering most of my games aren't new at all... Just. squeeeee :3

    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 18:59:56 UTC from web
    1. @thatonestocking Can you buy me a new one then? I'd rather have 2TB, but i couldnt afford any HDD if i wanted the PC this week...

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:11:29 UTC from web
    2. @thatonestocking I need a fast internal, not another external...and they kinda are expensive. the HDD is the first thing i'm upgrading...

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:16:08 UTC from web
    3. @cavatina What are you even going to do with 12GB memory? xD

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:25:23 UTC from web
      1. @minti I dunno, never run out of memory :3 That's all i got XD

        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:43:03 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina gg. Guess you could make a RAM drive and stick a game on it and have SSD-like speed or something. I guess. *sees no use for more than 8gb ram unless you do 1080p video editing*

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:44:03 UTC from web
          1. @minti Maybe x3 Honestly only have 12 because i bought 4 originally, the decided i could get more, so i bought 8. xD

            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:46:24 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina ooh! you appeared in my dream today, we and another guy of RDN were hiding in someone's mother house after breaking her jar. there was also some Karate involved, but that is all i remember xD

              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 21:50:50 UTC from web