

  1. @nikola you keep claiming that iOS is better than Android in some way related to privacy and security. Haven't seen you give any reasons yet

    Thursday, 22-Feb-18 13:21:39 UTC from
    1. @strypey @nikola When it comes to cellphones, I have excellent privacy and security. That's because i don't USE or TRUST them. Period!  I'll not let them on the premises. I make friends / visitors leave their "spying devices" in their vehicles.

      Thursday, 22-Feb-18 13:31:35 UTC from
      1. @therealpennyfortheguy @nikola would the same apply to someone with a 100% free code phone like a # or a # # 5?

        Thursday, 22-Feb-18 13:38:01 UTC from
        1. @strypey @nikola Almost all of the people i come in contact with on a daily basis, do not have the technical ability, or the know how, when it comes to their cellphones. There seems to be this pervasive # attitude when it comes to # and # It's hard enough trying to keep one's computer locked down tight, without having that cellphone bullFluffle Puff walking though your door, and undermining everything. They can cherry off.

          Thursday, 22-Feb-18 13:54:32 UTC from
          1. @therealpennyfortheguy @nikola ok, but humour me. If I came to your house with a # phone, would you make me leave it in the car?

            Thursday, 22-Feb-18 14:23:50 UTC from
            1. @therealpennyfortheguy @nikola I guess what I'm asking is, is it the proprietary spyware on the devices your distrust, or the cell network

              Thursday, 22-Feb-18 14:24:17 UTC from
              1. @strypey @nikola  BOTH

                Thursday, 22-Feb-18 14:27:31 UTC from
            2. @strypey @nikola I don't discriminate. The rule is hard and fast. Any hand held cellular device stays in your vehicle.

              Thursday, 22-Feb-18 14:27:10 UTC from
              1. @therealpennyfortheguy @nikola what about laptops?

                Thursday, 22-Feb-18 14:28:06 UTC from
                1. @strypey @nikola Laptops ..  Running QUBES OS / Linux - Kali / Mint. And Tails OS .. NO mangoing Microsoft papaya allowed.

                  Thursday, 22-Feb-18 14:36:51 UTC from
                  1. @therealpennyfortheguy have you seen 'Better Call Saul'? Making people leave their phone outside reminds me of Chuck ;) Fair enough though

                    Thursday, 22-Feb-18 16:22:58 UTC from