

  1. Hey, what's up everypony?

    Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:31:10 UTC from web
    1. @tekkdan Hey there. I'm doing okay, getting a little bit of a headache though and I don't know why.

      Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:33:27 UTC from web
      1. @magicalheartcadence Headaches are never fun, why do they have to exist? What purpose is there to make your head hurt if it doesn't help tell you why it's hurting?

        Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:36:35 UTC from web
        1. @tekkdan It means, exactly like this: "WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO RED ALERT RED ALERT HEY LISTEN".

          Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:38:37 UTC from web
          1. @derps Yeah listen to what exactly? You can get a headache from just about anything, or for no reason at all! Ok it's got a purpose, but still, that doesnt make it pleasant to have.

            Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:41:14 UTC from web
        2. @tekkdan One of those things, I suppose :c my only guess is that my music has been too loud

          Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:43:32 UTC from web

      Sunday, 16-Sep-12 03:34:06 UTC from web