

  1. I'm in Strasbourg, lobbying hard. Updates soon, but was able to talk to Axel Voss, the main guy behind the current (bad) versions of and . Doing my best to .

    Lessons from today:
    - Pro-Art11/Art13 MEPs do not know how copyright law works (no surprises there, the copyright law is a mess!)
    - Wikimedia Commons is a very good example of a service that could suffer very much.
    - As during , MEPs are not entirely against sitting down and discussing the issues.

    Tuesday, 03-Jul-18 11:01:53 UTC from
    1. And this concludes our tour of Strasbourg and its labirynth of halls and procedures.

      I am on the train back home. I would have stayed longer and worked on more, but could not. :/

      This is not the end of the fight. The vote is way too close to call. Every MEP counts. I will be calling them from the train, I would even call them from the plane if it were an option.

      Your calls are working. MEPs are changing their minds. I saw this first hand.

      You have the power!

      Wednesday, 04-Jul-18 11:44:55 UTC from