

  1. There have been fewer greater failures at egg cooking then there have been just now. Hello Scrambled-Eggs-That-Are-Suppose-To-Be-Sunny-Side-Up

    Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:23:28 UTC from web
    1. @gloomsday I am dissapoint.

      Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:24:19 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony I can cook a little, I consider it an acheivement--

        Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:33:56 UTC from web
        1. @gloomsday as a aspiring chef, I would hope so.

          Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:35:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @carcinopony I think my cooking plan is to marry a good housewife. Or a rich one so we can live on takeout. Or I can be rich, doesn't matter.

            Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:37:23 UTC from web
            1. @gloomsday Bleh. That's easy mode.

              Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:38:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @carcinopony I also pla to rule the world, so I think I can be lax on cooking.

                Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:39:53 UTC from web
                1. @gloomsday Pff, you'll have to get through me.

                  Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:41:44 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @carcinopony oh I have plans for all of the other people who are trying too. EVEN THE ONES WHO DON'T KNOW THEY'LL TRY YET.

                    Friday, 17-Jun-11 19:41:19 UTC from web
    2. @gloomsday wolooolololol its okay its still eatable.

      Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:25:08 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors Indeed they were very yummy.

        Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:34:18 UTC from web
    3. @gloomsday Haha. Aww.

      Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:25:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @sprinkles They still tasted good.xD

        Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:34:41 UTC from web
        1. @gloomsday And to give that context, you know the egg patties they put in breakfast panini like sandwiches? The round egg things? Those. Homemade breakfast sandwiches.

          Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:38:03 UTC from web
        2. @gloomsday Yay.

          Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:38:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @gloomsday It's hard to fight the instinct to mess with eggs when you cook them. You still got eggs, just not as you'd hoped. :)

      Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:26:50 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle Lol, that true. I am better at scrambled anyway~ with milk and cheese yum.

        Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:35:20 UTC from web
        1. @gloomsday Oh hey, that sounds decent. Entirely decent. So it was almost an omelet? Yesterday I made Woody Harrelson eggs for breakfast.

          Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:36:49 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle It is an omelet, it just looks like scrambled eggs. xD

            Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:38:29 UTC from web
            1. @gloomsday I think, from here forward, you should just announce that you're making "eggs" and see what happens. It's more fun that way.

              Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:40:09 UTC from web
              1. @drewdle I don't make eggs often but I could announce every time I plan to cook something. See what happens. Then if I stop responding, people know to call 911.

                Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:41:55 UTC from web
                1. @gloomsday Good plan. You don't need nefarious home cooking ruining your plans for world domination.

                  Friday, 17-Jun-11 16:44:34 UTC from web
                  1. @drewdle no indeed, far too many things stand in the way of my plans already.

                    Friday, 17-Jun-11 19:39:21 UTC from web