

  1. Review of Rocket Chat ( )

    Nice piece of software, has some desirable features that Mattermost is missing, like custom emojis, emoji react (thus emulating Discord to some extent) and the ability to purge a room of messages (inexplicably Mattermost does not have this.) 

    There are some bugs but they can be worked around. There's a role system for assigning powers to users which is great, but it doesn't have enough things. For instance, there's no way to delegate custom emojo creation to room users. The room system is inferior to Mattermost in that it doesn't support multiple teams on the same server. There's also no way to invite someone directly to a room via shared link ala Discord. There are some bugs related to registration that make it a minor hassle to sign up new users.

    All in all, not a bad experience once you get it up and going, just many little and not so little things detract from an otherwise great experience.


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    Thursday, 11-Oct-18 14:30:42 UTC from