

  1. Hey there social media hosting people and developers working on any of the #Fediverse systems!

    Is there anyone of you at the Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig this year right after Christmas? Is there anyone interested to have a meeting there?

    Just some exchange, we would need some people to moderate the event, but basically some meetup to exchange information and get to know other players in the field.
    "Someone" could then register a "talk" or "meetup" for the upcoming congress, I'd say a duration of about 1.5 to 2 hours and maybe 60+ people can be expected, assuming there is many #webmasters or #developers among the visitors at the #35C3.

    Any #devs and #webmaster of the following systems, or any that I might have missed that are using #ActivityPup and can communicate with the others, please comment here if you like the idea!
    #Friendica #Diaspora #red #Hubzilla #GnuSocial #StatusNet #Mastodon #Pleroma #Socialhome #Ganggo

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Thursday, 18-Oct-18 18:07:08 UTC from