

  1. Mastodon is a FrankerZing godless place where people won't shut up about gross fetishes

    Monday, 12-Nov-18 05:35:54 UTC from
    1. if your'e on masto and you're sex posting and you follow me please tag it. Plem too. tag it. I don't want to see it. Use your own system. Hashtag NSFW

      Monday, 12-Nov-18 05:36:26 UTC from
    2. @vriska people on masto keep posting their Potato Knishesing nudes publically and its so annoying like god youre all thots jesus christmas

      there was also a guy who busted ropes into slime and took a picture of that and also uploaded that monstrosity publically on masto

      wild stuff

      Monday, 12-Nov-18 05:38:59 UTC from
    3. @vriska Their entire culture is a monument to hedonism

      Tuesday, 13-Nov-18 18:20:18 UTC from