

  1. I guess I'm buying my last pack of smokes on November 1st and quitting after.

    Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:28:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @renovatedkitchen Alrighty then, smoking is pretty bad, so it's good to stop.

      Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:29:57 UTC from web
      1. @nixter it's okay. But it's bad for you apparently

        Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:30:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @renovatedkitchen I'm personally not gunna smoke ever, I just don't see how it's enjoyable, why did you start, and what do you like about it? And why choose to quit?

          Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:32:06 UTC from web
          1. @nixter it's relaxing, social, helps with anxiety. Quitting because I'm joining the airforce.

            Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:40:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @renovatedkitchen Well, I'm not trying to show you any errors of your ways, because there is none, but personally I'd find other ways to relax, and to me socialising can be done through talking over a coffee or just sitting with someone, and for the anxiety it relieves, doesn't it add when you have nothing to smoke? But yeah, good that you're stopping for the Air Force. G'luck.

              Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:43:40 UTC from web
              1. @nixter it's pretty sociable. I don't care about my anxiety, I've gotten used to muting it. I'm dedicating myself to the military now.

                Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:48:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @renovatedkitchen May you have a safe career while enrolled.

                  Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:49:47 UTC from web
    2. @renovatedkitchen

      Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:30:12 UTC from web