

  1. Inb4 2000! 1906 is a nice number. 1000 was a nice number for @LulzSec on Twitter. It was also my first usage of Twitter after having quit. Everything happens for a reason, and Twitter told me that my account had been suspended with the suspicion of a malicious application having been granted permission to spam or something. I never liked Twitter, but let me post to it and Facebook at the same time. I was happily surprised to find that (unlike Facebook) Twitter lets us read a feed as a member of the group that calls itself anonymous. BRB: coding and/or watching the thee tube. I really need to watch the rest of the MLP: FIM (seen 5 already), but I also need to work on my personal web server, as that is the only way to have a personal Facebook app.

    Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:49:35 UTC from web
    1. @fnordly .... What did I just read? That did not make any sense.

      Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:52:29 UTC from web
      1. @starshine Thanks for asking! :) Facebook and Twitter and Gmail and Google Dox and PC Android Maciphones are all becoming more interchangeable networking tools (sic), but the missing link is the PC which is always on-line on your desktop. You know how Windows-7 was bragging about enabling users to watch their mp3s on their televisions. If only your system were to make your downloads available to other machines on the network right out of the box and made downloads for the things that you "like" and for your lists of friends and for your friends lists of friends and likes... Anyway, I am working on a secure, free, open-source system for people with minimal knowledge of computers to be able to use to host services like this one and (/b/) on their local system (without needing internet access) as a means of organizing and accessing stuff.

        Monday, 20-Jun-11 17:00:41 UTC from web
      2. @starshine @kingcarcinopony About two months ago, you texted a question to me. Have I answered it, yet?

        Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 04:02:12 UTC from web
        1. @fnordly ... I don't even know.

          Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 04:05:11 UTC from web
    2. @fnordly i really dont know what you just said. at all.

      Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:52:49 UTC from web
    3. @fnordly Not sure if your message is spam or not, as it doesn't seem to slot into the conversation at all, and you appear to be a new pony. Maybe a more personal introduction? My first reaction was to hit the CP, but I'll back off a minute if you'd like to explain.

      Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:53:12 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle Drewdies~

        Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:53:54 UTC from web
        1. @carcinopony Carcinogens! I missed my bronies.

          Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:55:01 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle /Irony

            Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:55:52 UTC from web
      2. @drewdle he does have his profile filled out with relevant stuff.

        Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:54:49 UTC from web
        1. @starshine I know, that's the part that made me hesitate. Usually, spammers don't go to the trouble. Sure is a weird first message.

          Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:55:47 UTC from web
        2. @starshine Also, the lack of further response isn't promising.

          Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:00:30 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle I think you're just way too overzealous.

            Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:02:05 UTC from web
            1. @starshine Overzealous would have been jumping on the kill switch. I'm just watching, intrigued.

              Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:03:52 UTC from web
              1. @drewdle I always jump to kill.

                Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:04:19 UTC from web
                1. @carcinopony Rawr.

                  Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:07:33 UTC from web
                  1. @drewdle is that Dinosaur for 'I love you'? # tell me it is.

                    Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:08:39 UTC from web
            2. @starshine (which I suppose is preferable to being way too underzealous)

              Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:04:11 UTC from web
              1. @starshine Indeed. Seems harmless, anyways. How've you been?

                Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:06:15 UTC from web
            3. @starshine There's no harm in letting someone know they're communication is somewhat lacking.

              Monday, 20-Jun-11 07:04:28 UTC from web
      3. @drewdle Where is Drewdle?

        Thursday, 18-Aug-11 03:22:43 UTC from web
        1. @fnordly Y'know, it's a good thing most of RDN makes it way through email to my BB, or I'd never feel my ears burning. 'Sup?

          Thursday, 18-Aug-11 03:23:59 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle I was just wondering why I haven't been sicly baned, yet. What is up with you? Where is @twilight I liek turtles? What is up with these "RDN is for children I have Twitter and a website and you can "like" me on Facebook?"

            Thursday, 18-Aug-11 05:21:11 UTC from web
    4. @fnordly I leik turtles!

      Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:53:50 UTC from web
      1. @twilight arent you suppose to be dead?

        Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:54:19 UTC from web
        1. @carcinopony .... No....

          Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:54:56 UTC from web
          1. @twilight yeah, we say you die.

            Monday, 20-Jun-11 06:55:36 UTC from web