

  1. Apparently it's not so hard to survive a nuclear war. Not as hard as I thought, anyway.

    Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:40:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark Just need a bunker.

      Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:41:16 UTC from web
      1. @doates Yeah, but they're not as hard to make as I had thought. Nor do they have to last as long as I thought.

        Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:46:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark But expensive as hell.

          Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:47:00 UTC from web
          1. @doates It pays of in the apocalypse. I guess.

            Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:47:34 UTC from web
          2. @doates They don't have to be. You only need to be buried under a couple of meters of dirt to cut gamma ray exposure to safe levels. A decently sized concrete basement would do.

            Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:49:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @ceruleanspark you just neede to hind inside a fridge

      Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:41:59 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark Wait what

      Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:42:12 UTC from web
      1. @greenenchilada According to conventional wisdom, unless you're hit directly, a bunker buried under a couple of meters of regular dirt and filled with 5-8 weeks worth of supplies is actually sufficient.

        Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:47:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark because the bombs go off in the air. It pollutes the air, but doesn't last very long. The closer they detonate to the ground, the more unlovable the land becomes, and the longer the effect.

          Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:48:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @renovatedkitchen unlivable not unlovable. My phone is unlovable.

            Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:49:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @renovatedkitchen So unless you're living within the impact zone, that's not going to be a huge issue. And if you are, you're going to be altogether too busy being converted into radioactive vapor to care.

              Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:51:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark precisely. In reality though, in the cold war, the US and Russia both had enough nukes to bomb the world many times over.

                Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:53:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @renovatedkitchen new avatar, eh?

                  Monday, 01-Oct-12 14:01:32 UTC from web
                  1. @techdisk yes

                    Monday, 01-Oct-12 18:54:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          2. @renovatedkitchen actually, detonating bombs in air causes more damage due to shockwaves. Hiroshima and Nagasaki prove this.

            Monday, 01-Oct-12 14:03:58 UTC from web
            1. @techdisk but it doesn't last as long because it doesn't contaminate the soil

              Monday, 01-Oct-12 18:54:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        2. @ceruleanspark The more you know. The reading nuclear rainbow.

          Monday, 01-Oct-12 13:48:57 UTC from web