

  1. So, i never asked, how are you all doing today?

    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 22:58:48 UTC from web
    1. @gentlegiant Doing well - just browsing teh interwebs and such. How about yourself?

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 23:00:08 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj @abigpony I'm doing fine. Spent almost 2 hours at school just online with ponies.

        Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 23:01:36 UTC from web
        1. @gentlegiant xD Sounds like a pretty productive day!

          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 23:02:14 UTC from web
        2. @gentlegiant Well that is what school is best used for. Last school year (my senior year) I just brought my laptop to my AP English class and played ponies after our exams were done.

          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 23:03:52 UTC from web
    2. @abigpony only half days.

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 23:07:17 UTC from web