

  1. @mjjzf Lol, i mean !Python is an easy language but that would be "too easy." Unless I am wrong and someone actually DID write a library...

    Thursday, 25-Oct-12 22:08:11 UTC from
    1. @tinod @screwtape, he is writing it into a larger Python program and was interested if he had to pull in BASH or could do it through Python.

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 13:06:00 UTC from at 55°23'45"N 10°23'17"E
      1. @mjjzf Why Bash? Calling dd from # doesn't need a shell. But why not read the CD "file" anyway? Nothing special about that.

        Friday, 26-Oct-12 16:24:33 UTC from
      2. @mjjzf Guess its too late to reply, but yea you can do it in python, but i think that requires you to access /dev/sdX

        Saturday, 27-Oct-12 17:01:46 UTC from