

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @noir Calgary has been great! The people I met here are very understanding and helpful. Though, admittedly, the only people I really interacted with so far are a few people at my workplaces and a few people from the meet-up. Overall, everypony seems friendly enough. =P There are actually a lot more pony merchandises here, and pretty much everything is cheaper due to the gst being only 5% (compare to BC's combine tax of 12% on certain goods). The Winter seems like it may take some getting used to, but it doesn't really affect my opinion on Calgary, and I should be able to adept. Oh, but yes, it'd be awesome if we hang out sometime. Did you have a specific place in mind? I wouldn't mind getting a few Winter clothing advices from you too, admittedly. Perhaps you might be able to point out a few good choice of clothing when we pass by some stores? See, I'm more or less the opposite of Rarity when it comes to picking appropriate attires. =P But! Whatever else you have in mind is also good.

      Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 00:27:19 UTC from web
    2. @noir Sound good. ^^ Do you happened to know the name of that mall you have in mind? For the record, I usually work from 8 AM to 4:30PM ( But I may stay a little longer sometime) during the weekday, but other than that, I have a very flexible schedule. Still, I believe you have a better idea of which jacket to get since you've been here longer than me. Any recommendation from you would be useful, really. =P Oh, and come to think of it... I was wondering... Did you ever associated any music with the fanfic you're working on? Maybe a music that fit your story pretty well? Or perhaps with one or more of your characters?

      Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 02:58:53 UTC from web