


    Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:39:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @patriotextremedash hey there extremedash :D

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:40:37 UTC from web
      1. @yatta hey yatta wassup?

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:46:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @patriotextremedash nuthin much, working on my Green Lanter/MLP fic

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:48:52 UTC from web
          1. @yatta Nice! I don't know to much about green lantern though, which pony is gonna be Hal Jordan?

            Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:55:21 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @patriotextremedash actually, here's how I plan on doing it: I plan on having the main character an OC pony, a unicorn by the name of Night Light. Equestria is a planet and not a whole new dimension seen in so many other fics. Night Light does meet other Green Lanterns, including Hal Jordan. And I even have the oath which Night Light says to activate his powers once he gets the Power Ring from a Green Lantern who dies after crash-landing in Equestria. "In Celestia's brightest Day, in Luna's blackest night, No nightmare shall escape my sight, For those who shun friendship's might, You will see peace from the Green Lantern's Light!"

              Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:00:08 UTC from web
              1. @yatta Haha thats awesome! I love the modified oath!

                Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:08:21 UTC from web
                1. @patriotextremedash i almost have the first chapter done! :D

                  Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:15:19 UTC from web
    2. @hipsterabigpony Revolution, you say?

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:45:31 UTC from web
    3. @hipsterabigpony RIGHT NOW!!!

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:45:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @hipsterabigpony We must recruit more revolutionaries and then. Then war.

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 22:51:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @hipsterabigpony Sweet, can I help? I'm good with revolutions.

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:15:03 UTC from web
    6. @hipsterabigpony That doesn't include you, does it?

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:20:17 UTC from web
    7. @hipsterabigpony Haha! I saw that coming, so I wore my "wetsuit".

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:23:47 UTC from web
    8. @hipsterabigpony Now for my counter attack! *Pocket sands*

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 23:27:16 UTC from web