


    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 07:39:10 UTC from web
    1. @abigpony Are you planning on getting the new Pretty Sweet video soon?

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 07:45:10 UTC from web
      1. @phillipjayfry I don't plan on buying it half because of a lack of money and half because I'm not a big fan of the bigger company videos. I AM looking forward to watching it since it premieres in, like, 15 minutes, though. Stoked on full Malto and Guy parts. I hear Koston has a split part and that kind of disappointed me, though.

        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 07:48:47 UTC from web
        1. @abigpony That's lame for Koston, but at the same time it's still cool since any of his footage is worth watching. I kinda wanna see what Elijah Berle has in his part, cuz I heard he's got first. But I think this video should be worth the buy since the companies did so well on Yeah Right, so Pretty Sweet should be phenomenal.

          Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 07:54:26 UTC from web
          1. @phillipjayfry I think we sort of discussed my views on those last time. They just are kind of boring and repetitive. I'm sure it'll have fantastic editing as Girl and Lakai seem to be great at that. I hadn't heard of the order for Pretty Sweet, but Elijah deserves it. He's a good skater and he's kind of been underutilized, especially lately. He's been busy I hear so hopefully it's good stuff.

            Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:01:10 UTC from web
            1. @abigpony Well Elijah did earn am skater of the year last year, so yeah, he better have some good junk in his part.

              Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:12:18 UTC from web
              1. @phillipjayfry Did he? I didn't see much coverage of it. Guess I haven't seen much coverage of AM skater of the year since Silas won it.

                Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:23:19 UTC from web
                1. @abigpony Yeah, I haven't really paid much attention either to a lot of stuff happening in skating,just the major stuff like Pretty Sweet since it's what most people will betalking about . Oh, and there will be a Happy Medium 3 coming.

                  Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:27:45 UTC from web
                  1. @phillipjayfry Well yeah. 2 ends with a "To be continued..." and they announced it the night they premiered it. I hope Buster just takes the reigns again as it seems Hunter's larger involvement in 2 turned it from a cheap indie video to a fancier, blander video. I hear larger companies are catching on with the numbers thing, though. Yeah, I just keep up with Berrics and Arizona stuff as they seem the best and most active.

                    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:35:27 UTC from web
                    1. @abigpony Oh, I haven't even noticed that they did a "to be continued" thing at the end. I just stopped watching after Jaws' last trick, didn't even bother looking at the credits since I didn't enjoy the songs that much.

                      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:43:08 UTC from web
                      1. @phillipjayfry I thought it was alright. I think they kind of just got lazy in terms of licensing music. I enjoy credits.

                        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:51:41 UTC from web
                        1. @abigpony I think the song they used for Josh Hawkins' part though was pretty cool, either that or I just completely forgot what the song was but just loved his part a lot. I wonder if any brony-made music will be good enough to be used in a part.

                          Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 08:57:43 UTC from web
                          1. @phillipjayfry I don't know. I don't like most brony music and the stuff I do like doesn't seem like it would fit a skate video very well, but I've seen skate videos with worse-fitting music. You never know, man. It might be. (new Enjoi video: full brony music soundtrack. Listen up!)

                            Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 09:00:34 UTC from web
                            1. @abigpony I think SoGreatAndPowerful has some really great stuff, it's not like some of the usual dubstep stuff that I would hear. And I was thinking of using a brony-made song for my part in a video that I'm trying to film with a few friends.

                              Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 09:11:59 UTC from web
                              1. @phillipjayfry Go ahead. if it goes well with the skating, I see no reason not to. I don't see SG&P as a decent skate song, but again, never know unless you try it. Also, taste.

                                Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 09:34:38 UTC from web
                                1. @abigpony Yeah, hopefully it works out.

                                  Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 09:41:24 UTC from web
                                  1. @phillipjayfry I look forward to seeing it

                                    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 09:42:10 UTC from web