

  1. My little pony

    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:33:04 UTC from web
    1. @mushi that's an ugly OC

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:33:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @renovatedkitchen people will never learn that they shouldnt make dark ocs

        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:34:35 UTC from web
        1. @mushi I have a black oc with a black mane

          Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:35:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @renovatedkitchen maybe manes are fine, but it looks ba on the coat. wait. you have an OC?

            Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:35:49 UTC from web
            1. @mushi lolno. Maybe one day I'll make one

              Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:36:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @renovatedkitchen do it, and give him a waifu

                Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:36:39 UTC from web
                1. @mushi my OC is stuck in the 4th dimension. You can't see him

                  Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:38:25 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @renovatedkitchen noooo! show us!

                    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:39:06 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi nope

                      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:39:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @renovatedkitchen =(

                        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:40:11 UTC from web
                  2. @renovatedkitchen Physics, what physics...

                    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:39:48 UTC from web
    2. @juicyorange arguably

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:34:36 UTC from web
    3. @juicyorange that's actually very unfortunately true

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:34:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    4. @juicyorange isnt the 4th dimension Time?

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:40:10 UTC from web
      1. @unhipdruid The fourth dimention would probably just stretch out a random axis (non-relative, of course) but if its not, it would be so incomprehensible, it would tear apart the FABRIC OF REALITY ITSELF.

        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:42:39 UTC from web
        1. @erak43 oh god

          Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:43:30 UTC from web
    5. @juicyorange he's stuck in the spiritual realm. Have to open your third eye

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:41:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    6. @juicyorange So.

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:45:19 UTC from web
    7. @juicyorange I know. So is any conversation I have ever.

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:47:11 UTC from web
    8. @juicyorange I haven't started.

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 23:48:07 UTC from web