

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @juicyorange But can you.

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:15:15 UTC from web
    2. "What is the most American game?" "Metal Wolf Chaos."

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:16:13 UTC from web
    3. @juicyorange But can you when... THE MAYOR IS STRUGGLING OVER A PIT OF ACID?

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:19:29 UTC from web
    4. @juicyorange But... But in your dream. You are the hero. It's you.

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:21:47 UTC from web
    5. @juicyorange BUT. HERO. HE'S YOUR FATHER

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:23:44 UTC from web
    6. @juicyorange What will your mother think.

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:25:04 UTC from web
    7. @juicyorange Yeah probably. Anyway, how was your day?

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:25:59 UTC from web
    8. @juicyorange What happened? :I

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:27:47 UTC from web
    9. @juicyorange Okay then. Anything fun happen today?

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:29:13 UTC from web
    10. @juicyorange Sorry to hear that. Not much I can do there.

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:35:04 UTC from web
    11. @juicyorange Well this turned into a very awkward and depressing conversation fast. Have some Dr. Rabbit. Also this took forever to find so you had better at least giggle for my troubles.

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:43:05 UTC from web
    12. @juicyorange Everyone has their moments. Or days, more accurately for a lot of people I've run into.

      Thursday, 29-Nov-12 02:46:30 UTC from web