

  1. I now have a client for my Android phone (HTC Desire Z) which should make it more convenient to post on here :)

    Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:16:49 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @leonkfox what

      Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:17:19 UTC from web
      1. @kingcarcinopony What are you responding to, and what has you confused? O.o

        Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:17:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @leonkfox everything

          Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:18:41 UTC from web
    2. @leonkfox link? I'm gonna need one soon (have an android but no power charger

      Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:17:29 UTC from web
      1. @treasurehunter It's called StatusNet, you can find it on the Android Marketplace, @Rnbwdashiswin directed me to it :) (Hope I typed his name in right, doesn't have an auto @ name fill like most Twitter clients do)

        Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:19:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @leonkfox and I can set it to read RDN right?

          Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:21:47 UTC from web
          1. @treasurehunter Yep, that's what I'm doing right now :) You just need the site's URL, your username, and your password. Setting it up couldn't be easier :)

            Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:23:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @leonkfox whenever I get a power cord I'll remember to get it

              Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:25:40 UTC from web
              1. @treasurehunter I'd highly reccomend it :)

                Saturday, 02-Jul-11 04:29:35 UTC from StatusNet Android