

  1. Woke up after a night of rainbow colors in the sky, wonderbolts roaring by and rainbow colored jello/pudding shots. God Bless Equestria.

    Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:21:33 UTC from web
    1. @kingpopadopalus welcome to RDN :)

      Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:22:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @1greg1 Thanks :D I gotta tell our pony group over on the escapist, we'll have about 750+ members coming soon.

        Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:28:08 UTC from web
        1. @kingpopadopalus oh hey if I didn't know any better, you are new! Welcome to RDN!

          Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:29:20 UTC from web
          1. @emperormiloth Thanks :D Happy 4th to everyone.

            Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:39:23 UTC from web
            1. @kingpopadopalus The pleasure is all mine. Happy 4th of july!

              Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:40:47 UTC from web
              1. @emperormiloth Good sir according to our lat/long we're not that far apart from each other. Iiiiiiiiiiiinteresting.

                Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:42:34 UTC from web
                1. @kingpopadopalus Not that far apart? We are like four states away!

                  Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:45:50 UTC from web
                  1. @emperormiloth bah, details, how dare they foil me again!

                    Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:47:01 UTC from web
                    1. @kingpopadopalus I was actually excited when you said not that far apart. I was literally jumping for joy.

                      Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:48:19 UTC from web
                      1. @emperormiloth I apologize for getting your hopes up just to be dashed. *pats shoulder*

                        Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:50:40 UTC from web
                        1. @kingpopadopalus Its ok. Now I gotta make more of a effort to find VA bronies. Or specifically ones in my county.

                          Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:52:23 UTC from web