

  1. Oh wow. Three new names on here. Anyway, i just got the whole first (and only :c ) season of Firefly along with the movie Serenity. *squee*

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:50:22 UTC from web
    1. @techdisk huh?

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:50:46 UTC from web
    2. @techdisk Aw yeah!

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:50:46 UTC from web
    3. @techdisk NICE.

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:50:49 UTC from web
      1. @eaglehooves @anarchycarcino my friend showed me some episodes already before getting me the set. WHY WAS IT CANCELED WHYYYYYYYYYY?

        Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:54:11 UTC from web
        1. @techdisk Because people hate money.

          Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:55:01 UTC from web
          1. @anarchycarcino naw, it's just fox. Horrible news network don't know nothing about anything. From elections to TV shows.

            Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:57:06 UTC from web
        2. @techdisk Because Fox.

          Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:57:50 UTC from web
          1. @eaglehooves don't know nothing about news, don't know nothing about ratings.

            Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:58:47 UTC from web
    4. @techdisk it was a late birthday gift :D

      Monday, 31-Dec-12 04:54:59 UTC from web