@anarchycarcino hey, interested in a movie?
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:32:09 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator What movie.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:35:15 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino teenage catgirls in heat
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:35:53 UTC from web -
@anarchycarcino it's not a porno i promise
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:36:02 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator That's too bad, I only watch pornos.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:36:21 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino it has nudity
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:36:58 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator Is it a porno.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:37:54 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino maybe, maybe not. you'll just have to see
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:38:53 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator I looked it up.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:39:18 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino dude you comin
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:01:26 UTC from web-
@cupcakinator Negative.
Friday, 11-Jan-13 02:01:46 UTC from web