

  1. I have 3.83 Gb left on my computer :D

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:45:57 UTC from web
    1. @stumperman07 I have 5GB left on my main hard drive... And about 600ishGB ok my other hard drive :D

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:46:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @izurin I have something like 50GB+ of ponies on my computer :D

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:48:07 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @izurin 0.o care to share? :)

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:49:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @izurin How? O.o - Is that mostly video files and such? Must be wildly ineffective compression.

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:50:12 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj non-compressed (pony) music takes up 15GB of my computer... About another 30ish GB of 1080p pony episodes...

        Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:51:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @1greg1 Ah that makes sense. I have 1080p Hub rips and 720p iTunes, then 3-something gigs of pictures. It has to go onto the backup drive though, as my laptop's hard drive is just too small.

          Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:52:56 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj that's why I have a 1TB hard drive for everything... And soon to be an entire computer dedicated to ponies!

            Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:54:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @1greg1 Haha, the laptop I bought just last year only came with a 300gb hard drive, so I rely on external storage for most of my stuff. I employ a 1.5tb at home on my desktop, and that seems to be about the space I need :P

              Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:57:35 UTC from web
              1. @haganbmj I have a laptop that has two 120GB hard drives...

                Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:59:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @izurin :(

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:51:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @izurin o.O;;; That is...a lot.

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:52:56 UTC from web
    7. @izurin I was more showing my surprise at it XD I only have a few GB because of (most of) the episodes and a few pics.

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 05:54:51 UTC from web
    8. @izurin Am I the only person, out of everypony in this fandom, that doesn't really read fanfics? XD

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:00:31 UTC from web
      1. @leonkfox I don't really read Fics myself. I've read the few people mention as being memorable or worthy of attention though.

        Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:01:27 UTC from web
        1. @haganbmj Any in particular? Just curious.

          Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:05:56 UTC from web
          1. @leonkfox "Cupcakes" was notable, just because it's a staple of the fandom. "Black & White" was one a lot of people talked about earlier this week ~ It was very good. "Luna vs. Microwave" was a fun little short. And one I recently read just based on the 4.9 [I think] rating on EquestriaDaily was "Spacegirl" ~ Which was an interesting look into Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's characters. ~~ Really Cupcakes and Luna vs. Microwave are two that people will talk about more frequently than most. So those might be worth looking at just so you know what people are talking about.

            Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:09:16 UTC from web
            1. @haganbmj Well I already knew about Cupcakes, I've not read it, but it's kind of hard to NOT know about it XD It gets mentioned by sompeony at least once on a lot FiM related YouTube videos alone, nevermind everywhere else.

              Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:15:11 UTC from web
              1. @leonkfox Oh yeah - Cupcakes is like # and #, it's a term of speech in this community. And for that alone it's probably worth checking out to understand it yourself [personal opinion at least]. The others though, especially Black and White, I recommend if you have the time and want to read something.

                Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:17:49 UTC from web
                1. @haganbmj I think I will, thanks for the reccomendations ^^

                  Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:22:01 UTC from web
                  1. @leonkfox Yeah - You're perfectly welcome :D ~ If you do want to find more notable fan fictions in the future, I'm sure there's a number of people on here well versed in them that can lead you further. I'm hoping to find a few more recommendations here as well.

                    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:24:06 UTC from web
            2. @haganbmj Shall check out them all sometime though, thanks ^^

              Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:15:24 UTC from web
    9. @izurin I dunno, just never been inclined to read 'em XD

      Thursday, 07-Jul-11 06:05:35 UTC from web