

  1. So, anypony here got a YouTube channel besides me? Just curious :) Mine is LeonSKennedy828 if anypony is nterested :)

    Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:17:27 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @leonkfox Wait a second... You go by that screenname? I KNOW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE. I KNOW.

      Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:20:16 UTC from web
      1. @princessrussia HELLLLLLOOOO !HUGS

        Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:21:25 UTC from web
        1. @stumperman07 HEY THERE YOU~~ !HUG

          Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:22:06 UTC from web
      2. @princessrussia Really? XD Well I only go by LeonSKennedy on YouTube (made the account years before I changed my name to Leon K Fox) seen a video of mine? Really wanna help jog your memory if I can XD

        Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:34:58 UTC from web
        1. @leonkfox You never went by LeonSKennedy on anyyy specific forums? any game-character related forums? always had WWE avatars?

          Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:42:46 UTC from web
          1. @princessrussia I called myself Leon S. Kennedy or Leon Kennedy on various forums, and I had WWE avatars from time to time. Used to be majorly obsessed with Tails from Sonic (do still love the character, but it's not an obsession anymore)

            Friday, 08-Jul-11 21:02:40 UTC from StatusNet Android
          2. @princessrussia I was even on two Tails dedicated forums at one point, Mystic Fox, and then The Tails Realm afterward.

            Friday, 08-Jul-11 21:08:23 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @leonkfox YEP, I definitely know you

              Friday, 08-Jul-11 21:11:54 UTC from web
              1. @princessrussia From which site/s though, and who were you? Did we interact at all?

                Friday, 08-Jul-11 21:20:08 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @leonkfox I was on all of the said sites. I'm kind of ashamed of my n00b days so I don't like giving off past screennames and stuff publically, aha. We talked for quite a bit though, and you had me on my old MSNz

                  Friday, 08-Jul-11 21:31:15 UTC from web
                  1. @princessrussia You could tell me in a PM on YouTube or here, not like I didn't do and say some stupid murdock back then myself XD I'm curious to know who you were, especially if we talked on MSN :)

                    Friday, 08-Jul-11 21:44:41 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @izurin !HUGS

      Friday, 08-Jul-11 20:21:58 UTC from web