


    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:47:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @bluberyblast i am mushi, if you want to know

      Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:48:16 UTC from web
      1. @fanboyishgherkin ik i saw ur oc and ik it was u

        Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:50:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @bluberyblast ^^

          Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:50:52 UTC from web
          1. @fanboyishgherkin hows ur drawin company?

            Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:51:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @bluberyblast my drawing? i'm not drawing anything, i have to catch up with lost work. Today i spen 9 hours straight researching and edidting stuff

              Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:52:34 UTC from web
              1. @fanboyishgherkin hmm i wonder what its like livin with u always having a epictime xD A total subject changer xD

                Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:53:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @bluberyblast no, i'm actually the most boring guy one can find

                  Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:54:42 UTC from web
                  1. @fanboyishgherkin but ur oc is sooo cute! Another total subject changer xD

                    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:56:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    1. @bluberyblast oh, indeed, that is one of the cutest things i've drawn ^^ thank you

                      Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:57:04 UTC from web
                      1. @fanboyishgherkin i like pie

                        Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:57:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @bluberyblast i dont even know the difference between a pie and a cake

                          Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:58:06 UTC from web
                          1. @fanboyishgherkin twilight makes a 100000000000 mile long and 123432 mile tall library in your house xD

                            Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:59:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            1. @bluberyblast if only ='(

                              Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:59:38 UTC from web
                              1. @fanboyishgherkin can i have some candy mr? °-°

                                Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 01:01:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                1. @bluberyblast npe, my candy

                                  Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 01:02:23 UTC from web
                                  1. @fanboyishgherkin grr *bites ur hand off with candy in it* did i just start a rp?

                                    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 01:03:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                    1. @bluberyblast yes you did

                                      Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 01:03:30 UTC from web
                                      1. @fanboyishgherkin is that good or bad?

                                        Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 01:04:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                    2. @bluberyblast Friendly advice: don't. Look at the rules.

                                      Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 01:04:06 UTC from web
    2. @bluberyblast Join us your new name is bluberygherkin

      Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:49:59 UTC from web
      1. @pokegherkin umm

        Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:52:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid