@jecksy hello jecksy just wanted to introduce myself, my names cloud flare I'm a Fargo brony to. I live in north Fargo right off the Fargo dome.
Monday, 18-Feb-13 22:11:38 UTC from web-
@cloudflare omg I'm so sorry! I never seen your message until today. Hiya! hehe I'm from West Fargo.^^ Are you in the facebook group?
Friday, 02-Aug-13 01:20:07 UTC from web-
@jecksy hey, now its me not replying. Just wanted to let you and the rest of the group know I joined the army. I just got out of basic and I'm on my way to learn how to defuse being bombs.
Friday, 20-Sep-13 16:24:41 UTC from web -
@jecksy hey sorry for not replying sooner. Sadly I'm not in Fargo anymore I joined the army and just got out of basic. I live in Virginia now but I will be around Fargo again Christmas time.
Friday, 20-Sep-13 16:26:58 UTC from web-
@cloudflare haha that's fine. Grats on the army thing! Hope you're enjoying yourself and it's not too brutal! :3 I'm sad I missed you while you were here! Good luck tho sir!
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 02:40:20 UTC from web