

  1. That was the most intense battle on Binding of Issac ever, and it wasn't even the final boss

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:25:58 UTC from web
    1. @meloetta

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:26:56 UTC from web
      1. @rarity What the.

        Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:27:12 UTC from web
        1. @meloetta who knows.

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:27:35 UTC from web
          1. @rarity Oh well I am glad I won the battle.

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:28:04 UTC from web
            1. @meloetta *eye starts twitching* who's ur best character on brawl anyways

              Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:29:12 UTC from web
    2. @meloetta haredest battle I've been in, First time I faced Tabuu on Smash Bros Brawl

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:27:22 UTC from web
      1. @epicrainbowdashfan That boss was easy, I beat him on my first time on intense.

        Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:27:48 UTC from web