

  1. Can anyone recommend a good set of earbuds or small headphones where the cord doesn't fray or short or whatever easily?

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:45:29 UTC from web
    1. @flaredancer CAN I! Things I have done with the cord on these: Run them over, Slept in them, tripped over it, shut it in a car door. Things the cord has not done: Broken.

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:49:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark Sweet! How long have you had them?

        Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:53:40 UTC from web
        1. @flaredancer A year or so. I bought them at an airport when I had the horrible realisation I was looking at a transatlantic flight with only airline headphones. They've gone everywhere with me since. (Usually crushed at the bottom of a shoulderbag)

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:55:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark Awesome. About a year is usually how long mine last. I don't think I'm too rough with them. I generally curl them up as gently as I can and they've got their own pocket in my purse and sit along side my iPod (not under it). These ones just frayed at the base and now I get no sound in my right ear.

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 10:00:01 UTC from web
            1. @flaredancer I'm incredibly neglectful of my various types of *phones because head/earphone shopping is one of my favourite types of shopping, but these ones have weathered my abuse like a champ.

              Monday, 25-Feb-13 10:02:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark I'll definitely look into getting a pair when I get paid. I'd love *phones that last a good while, especially for $30-$50. I don't mind paying that much money for good quality, though.

                Monday, 25-Feb-13 10:04:56 UTC from web