

  1. >Tries Sim City 3000 >Sets the electricity network >Sets the water network >Retarded sims demolish the electric network and build houses in it's place >"Mayor, we don't have power and we're dying of thirst"

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:28:45 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos this is something i'd love to play with a mouse

      Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:30:18 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Suffer, console dude!

        Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:32:53 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos the biggest problem is that the game is originally for wii, and it looks like they forgot to show down the computer's hand. sometimes it moves at unnatural speeds for analog sticks, and i need a flawless victory D=

          Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:34:10 UTC from web
    2. @nerthos >be me >Loving my city >Retarted player decides to build electricity and water network in my house plans >get the whole city to rise up against him >Realize that we destroyed our way of survival >feelsbadman.jpg

      Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:30:34 UTC from web
      1. @extinctkilla I'll start some fires, and let them die because they complain the "taxes are too high" without considering I need to pay the firemen.

        Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 14:31:50 UTC from web