

  1. Ohai, bronies. It's been a while. What's up?

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:31:37 UTC from web
    1. @flaxx Well, that thing is ready. Check your mail regarding.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:32:46 UTC from web
      1. @ponygeist Way ahead of ya. Already replied. Sorry for being a few days late, though.

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:33:49 UTC from web
        1. @flaxx No sweat. Figured you had living and things to do ^;)

          Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:34:20 UTC from web
          1. @ponygeist Yep. Been playing tons of Morrowind and learning to play guitar. :D (Well, that's as close to having a real life I get. :P)

            Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:35:03 UTC from web
    2. @greydragon412 Trying to learn to play the intro to Rest Of My Life by SOJA, on a acoustic guitar. :P Can't really seem to get it to sound right, though.

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:36:00 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412 Thanks, me too. ^_^ So, what's been going on here during my absence?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:37:55 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 That's cool. :) Speaking of which, I found out 2 of my friends are becoming bronies as well. We might have a pony marathon in the near future. I know it's gonna be SO AWESOME! /)^3^(\

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:40:56 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx resistance is will be bronyfied

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:50:12 UTC from web
        1. @captlynch What are you talking about? I'm about as brony as you can get. Okay, not really, but I'm not exactly a #

          Friday, 15-Jul-11 00:07:58 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx holy crap longtime no see where have you been bud

            Friday, 15-Jul-11 00:10:37 UTC from web
            1. @theawesomepony Hey, it's you! I haven't seen you in weeks! Awesome to see you again! What's up? Oh, and I've been caught up in real life. Learning to play guitar (or at least trying to), wasting way too much time on Morrowind, and other stuff. :P

              Friday, 15-Jul-11 00:22:22 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx ah i havent seen you ages man ive been here but my wifi at my house (neihbor's wifi) is gone im waiting for it to come back

                Friday, 15-Jul-11 00:23:54 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 Kewl. :3 Oh well, time to go own my brothers on CoD. I'll see ya later, everypony!

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:48:11 UTC from web