

  1. Oh my god I haven't used this in years.

    Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:40:38 UTC from web
    1. @cloudshine Hiya!

      Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:41:06 UTC from web
      1. @neurario And by years I mean like a year. Hey.

        Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:43:03 UTC from web
        1. @cloudshine I wouldn't know anyway, I've only been here since September/October. :P

          Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:43:46 UTC from web
          1. @neurario I wasn't active for long at all when I joined. I was a biiiig MLP fan last year. Kind of forgot about the fandom intil

            Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:47:44 UTC from web
          2. @neurario *until recently. I'm more of an active member of Twitter, anyway

            Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:48:18 UTC from web
            1. @cloudshine Ahhhh I see, I have pretty much forsaken most social networks, somehow they just make me feel even more alone :\ Oh well. But yeah I'm still very much enjoying the show, and the fan stuff

              Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:54:46 UTC from web
              1. @neurario Aw, no! I hate Facebook, but Twitter is great because there are so many cool people to talk to. :3 I'm more a fan of the fan stuff than the actual show, as of right now.

                Sunday, 10-Mar-13 11:00:57 UTC from web
    2. @cloudshine Awesome.

      Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:44:46 UTC from web