


    Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 22:57:53 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark I'm here to protect the weak. You just use them to your advantage!

      Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:00:05 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark @boltaction Son, step aside. I got this.

      Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:01:30 UTC from web
      1. @wafers I'm better Raiden with Gray Fox dlc lool!

        Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:02:14 UTC from web
        1. @boltaction Go home, you're drunk.

          Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:03:29 UTC from web
          1. @wafers No, Wolf is...

            Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:04:25 UTC from web
            1. @boltaction Wolf is awesome.

              Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:06:10 UTC from web
              1. @wafers He is. I saw him on the disc when I got it, and was like "please don't be an enemy, please don't be an enemy"

                Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:07:05 UTC from web
                1. @boltaction He was a cool sub-boss

                  Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:07:44 UTC from web
                2. @boltaction Even though he really is just a regular fenrir that can talk.

                  Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:08:22 UTC from web
                  1. @wafers Yeah. And intellect. I mean, the other fenrirs can't think for themselves, and that's a major part of character development, ideals.

                    Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:09:42 UTC from web
                    1. @boltaction That's kinda what I also alluded to when I said he talks. He is a really good supporting character though. I wanted to talk to him more than anyone else in the game.

                      Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:10:50 UTC from web
                      1. @wafers Exactly. I hardly used the codec though :/

                        Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:11:48 UTC from web
                        1. @boltaction I didn't know about the codec until the last level of my 4th playthrough.

                          Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:14:40 UTC from web
                          1. @wafers Lol, wow. I checked to make sure it was there when I got it. What Metal Gear wouldn't have a codec?

                            Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:16:23 UTC from web
                            1. @boltaction I've never played a metal gear game before rising.

                              Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:17:57 UTC from web
                              1. @wafers :|

                                Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 23:18:15 UTC from web