

  1. With my next paycheck, I'm gonna get either a titanium-coated katana, or a rilakkuma plush for this one girl I like. WHAT DO? XD

    Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:11:28 UTC from web
    1. @boltaction Katana. Always go for the katana.

      Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:12:41 UTC from web
      1. @wafers Badflank sword, or a girl's love... This is quite the predicament.

        Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:13:36 UTC from web
        1. @boltaction Women come and go, swords stay with you forever.

          Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:14:07 UTC from web
        2. @boltaction No it's not. Go for the katana. A katana will always love you.

          Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:14:38 UTC from web
          1. @wafers @nerthos But this one's into ponies...

            Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:15:01 UTC from web
            1. @boltaction The. Katana.

              Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:15:24 UTC from web
              1. @wafers Damn thing better be worth it XD

                Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:15:58 UTC from web
                1. @boltaction Worth more than the girl.

                  Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:16:20 UTC from web
            2. @boltaction I'm aquiring a carbon steel blade. I like those.

              Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:15:59 UTC from web
              1. @wafers Buy is boring. Forge your own. The blade will have your soul in it.

                Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:17:25 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos I really should honestly. I feel I could easily make a legendary blade.

                  Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:18:28 UTC from web
                2. @nerthos Only if you cut yourself in the making of the sword.

                  Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:18:44 UTC from web
                3. @nerthos Then we shall duel at the top of the highest mountain in all the land. The divines will sing of this battle.

                  Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:20:19 UTC from web
                4. @nerthos I've actually forged a sword before. Not as easy as one might think.

                  Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:21:23 UTC from web
                  1. @boltaction Not many right-minded people think it to be easy.

                    Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:22:23 UTC from web
                    1. @wafers Some do. My friend and I forged this sword out of a piece of steel we found in my yard, he thought it would be easy to mend, grind, sharpen and temper the blade. He thought wrong and we haven't made a blade since XD

                      Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:26:41 UTC from web
                      1. @boltaction Did the blade end up as a lawnmower blade?

                        Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:28:23 UTC from web
                        1. @wafers No, it ended up as a machete-type blade. I modified it to where it has paracord around the base of the blade. It's also sharper than a motherbucker.

                          Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:30:21 UTC from web
                          1. @boltaction sweet. I really need to do something constructive such as forging a blade.

                            Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:31:08 UTC from web
                            1. @wafers 'Tis a time-consuming activity.

                              Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:33:06 UTC from web
                              1. @boltaction I'm up for something like that. I need to dedicate myself to something that I truly wish to see the end result.

                                Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:35:44 UTC from web
                                1. @wafers It makes you feel proud of yourself once you're done.

                                  Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:36:31 UTC from web
                  2. @boltaction Did so too. It's hard work, but rewarding.

                    Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:48:48 UTC from web
            3. @boltaction Get the damn sword. You can please her in other ways.

              Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:16:09 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Bow chicka honk honk! Had to say it...

                Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:16:45 UTC from web
    2. @boltaction Katana.

      Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:13:10 UTC from web