

  1. Oh how I hate hard decisions. I can either A. Go to the School beach day type thing or stay in my house... Hmm be around people I mostly despise OR stay at home around people I love. Desicions desicions...

    Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:25:54 UTC from web
    1. @bowandlyre Go to the school thing :| hurr durrrr

      Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:27:15 UTC from web
      1. @boltaction Not

        Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:27:32 UTC from web
      2. @boltaction Exactly! But if i don't go we lose points in the games or whatever, and if we lose points we cant win the game and if we don't win we don't get an extra free day. And if you don't understand I'm typing this as I play Zombies sorry! DX

        Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:29:20 UTC from web
    2. @bowandlyre School beach day? Lolno. No way in this universe.

      Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:30:02 UTC from web
      1. @wafers That reminds me of what I said today when I went back to school (We just got back from Spring Break for people who don't get the joke) and was hanging out with my gamer friends. I was all like "why is everyone sunburned?"

        Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:32:44 UTC from web
      2. @wafers I find it funny how everyone is begging me to go just for the free day.

        Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:35:35 UTC from web
        1. @bowandlyre Don't do it. Stay home.

          Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:36:02 UTC from web
        2. @bowandlyre The beach is awful. Too many people in swimsuits.

          Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 02:39:28 UTC from web