

  1. @bronystark Wait until you get to the good part. Oh wait, that's /all of it/.

    Monday, 18-Jul-11 11:59:10 UTC from TTYtter
    1. @ceruleanspark lol I see what you did thar! I just got to the part where they go to Stable 24.

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 12:48:41 UTC from web
      1. @bronystark Ooh, That part has really excellent atmosphere. So creepy.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 13:12:00 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark It was! Those Chimeras were pretty scary sounding... Imagine them in Fallout 3... freaky stuff

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 13:43:39 UTC from web