

  1. dude, i go to facebook for a sec before sleeping and saw a screen shot of a friend of mine using facebook's power to get out of the friendzone.. i should have sleeped sooner

    Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:14:20 UTC from web
    1. @mushi Wait! How did he do it?

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:16:01 UTC from web
    2. @kolzach there is a prazilian page named "depression friendzone" (of course i tranlated that, and they asked if any "soldier" waned help to scape from the friendzone, He said he wanted and made a love declaration to the girl on there and now everyone is cheering for him. well then

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:18:51 UTC from web
      1. @mushi result: it didnt help

        Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:20:56 UTC from web
      2. @mushi Well then. I'm not in the friendzone right now I'm in the "who's that creepy long haired kid and why is he looking at me?"

        Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:21:20 UTC from web
    3. @kolzach @bowandlyre it has been at least five years since the last time i cared for that, at lease 5 years i think

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:23:19 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Well then. My worst fear in life is to die alone, so naturally I'd worry a lot about it.

        Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:24:56 UTC from web
        1. @bowandlyre yeah, some have this fear...

          Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:25:41 UTC from web
          1. @mushi I gave up though. I just really stoped caring recently. It's good.

            Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:27:04 UTC from web
    4. @kolzach anything related to that

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:24:32 UTC from web
    5. @kolzach I remember seeing some really strange ads with Psy after then, so...

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:25:22 UTC from web
    6. @kolzach

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:25:30 UTC from web
      1. @archon oh dear god some one took physics way too seriously

        Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:26:46 UTC from web
        1. @giveny1 What does love have to do with physics?

          Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:28:53 UTC from web
    7. @kolzach Sorry, replied to the wrong person

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:26:46 UTC from web
    8. @kolzach I got bored of the sadness.

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:27:19 UTC from web
    9. @kolzach meh the girl I liked I only liked her because she was pretty and blah blah blah then I realized how shallow I was and thought things through and decided just to not give a f***.

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:30:42 UTC from web
    10. @kolzach Move on man it's done me good.

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 03:38:19 UTC from web