

  1. *yawn* good morning :)

    Thursday, 11-Apr-13 11:56:52 UTC from web
    1. @blues4th hello

      Thursday, 11-Apr-13 11:57:04 UTC from web
      1. @mushi hi! I'm making coffee

        Thursday, 11-Apr-13 11:57:44 UTC from web
        1. @blues4th i got robbed :|

          Thursday, 11-Apr-13 11:58:11 UTC from web
          1. @mushi What?!?

            Thursday, 11-Apr-13 11:59:14 UTC from web
            1. @blues4th i was going to a long and stressing day of hard classes and two guys with guns took my backpack and my fathful coat (and, of course, the stuff inside them)

              Thursday, 11-Apr-13 12:00:26 UTC from web
              1. @mushi wow... I'm really sorry about that

                Thursday, 11-Apr-13 12:03:48 UTC from web
                1. @blues4th meh.. no problem

                  Thursday, 11-Apr-13 12:04:14 UTC from web
      2. @mushi sweet sweet coffee

        Thursday, 11-Apr-13 11:58:02 UTC from web