

  1. Why is every Celestia toy pink? I could almost understand if only one was, but every single toy of her is pink!

    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 20:43:34 UTC from web
    1. @scootafreakingloo I believe the only reason they cited in a conference was that "pink sells better" (apparently).

      Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 20:45:14 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj I honestly think that as long as it's not puke green, it'll sell just as well as any other color.

        Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 20:46:14 UTC from web
        1. @scootafreakingloo That's what I'd think as well. Does Pinkie sell better than the rest because she's pink?

          Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 20:46:56 UTC from web
    2. @scootafreakingloo They made it pink to appeal to girls. Since pink is more of a girls favorite color than white, at least from what I remember.

      Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 20:45:59 UTC from web