

  1. As soon as I have time to prep for the meetups, my friends from out-of-state start wanting to hang out. D: I WILL be armed with merch for the meets...someday

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:41:29 UTC from web
    1. @galaxy real life getting in the way of pony?

      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:43:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @kingcarcinopony It keeps happening! D: First school, now friends I never get to see! :C I need to make time and pony stuff for other bronies to enjoy this week somehow

        Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:46:34 UTC from web
        1. @galaxy I feel ya bro

          Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:49:54 UTC from StatusNet Android