!shippingismagic Welcome neuroastter and Twilight to the club for bronies who like ponies who like ponies!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 21:29:23 UTC from web-
@rarityfan hello thar
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 21:32:40 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony Hello person with awesome avatar!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 21:51:29 UTC from web-
@rarityfan hello and thanks how are you
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 21:53:35 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony Good I finally saw "The Best Night Ever'' yesterday!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 21:56:59 UTC from web-
@rarityfan really i thought you've seen all of the episodes
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 21:57:52 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony I've seen all of them since yesterday
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:11:43 UTC from web-
@rarityfan really ? how long have been a brony ?
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:17:03 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony About a month or so now...
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:19:49 UTC from web-
@rarityfan oh okay you havent been a brony for too long
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:20:40 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony No but I really love the show and the community and I have some ideas for a fanfic for the show that I'm really excited about!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:25:38 UTC from web-
@rarityfan ah okay cool well i have a youtube show called brony tv also good luck with ur fan fic
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:32:15 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony You're the creator of brony tv?!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:33:46 UTC from web-
@rarityfan yeah but i brought it back and i only have one video now
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:42:05 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony That is awesome I'll have to check it out right now!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:48:08 UTC from web-
@rarityfan my youtube page is th3awesomepony
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:50:26 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony I will check it out soon!
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:57:20 UTC from web-
@rarityfan okay cool brony
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 23:00:32 UTC from web
@theawesomepony I've been watching the episodes on the Hub and thats why it's taken me so long to watch all the episodes
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:20:23 UTC from web-
@rarityfan that's why i watched mine on youtube
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:26:47 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony I was going to but I haven't watched a show on TV in forever so I thought it would be fun to do that for once
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:29:34 UTC from web