

  1. So remember that girl that I made cry with the song? Well she asked what we should talk about to take her mind off that guy, I suggest Ponies. Her ex was a Brony :l I may be the reason this girl kills herself.

    Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:08:42 UTC from web
    1. @maxdemone who. goves. a. damn.

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:09:12 UTC from web
      1. @kingcarcinopony >goves

        Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:09:44 UTC from web
        1. @maxdemone my atrocious spelling withstanding.

          Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:10:37 UTC from web
    2. @maxdemone Ugh just can't win q.q ~ That's real hard man. Sorry to hear.

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:10:07 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj WOOPS WRONG LINK. this song.

        Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:12:25 UTC from web
        1. @maxdemone Haha, I was wondering why you posted the same vid back to me xD ~ Dada has had some great hits lately. Really making a name for themselves. While we're on the topic of music, I don't want to wait 2 more months for a release on this ~

          Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:14:23 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj I want that right now. And as overplayed as it, along all of SKrillex is, I love this so.

            Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:15:44 UTC from web
            1. @maxdemone Equinox <3 ~ There's a special place in my heart for Skrillex. Really looking forward to some of his new stuff ~

              Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:16:56 UTC from web
              1. @haganbmj That was sick :O and the title reminded me of this song from my younger days of MIDDLE SCHOOL

                Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:18:40 UTC from web
                1. @maxdemone Just Breathe! This thing's a 5 star on my iTunes. It shall forever remain on my iPod because of that status. SAdasdla nostalgia.. I miss the days back when Karate DJ'd all the local events in high school, they're making more of a name for themselves [first group]. They always knew the best music q.q

                  Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:20:36 UTC from web
                  1. @haganbmj Dude that's nice. This is one of my good friend's mixes, he's pretty wubby

                    Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:26:08 UTC from web
                    1. @maxdemone Nice nice, "I like the part where it says pika." XD

                      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:27:40 UTC from web
                      1. @haganbmj It TOTALLY NEVER SAY PIKA BRO LOLOLOLOL I just recently got into Trance and this....this is good.....

                        Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:29:14 UTC from web
              2. @haganbmj @maxdemone Especially this

                Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:18:54 UTC from web
    3. @lelouch I know haha, it needs to make it to the top >:3

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:28:42 UTC from web
    4. @lelouch YES YES YES YES YES YES YES

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:31:06 UTC from web
      1. @maxdemone Oh my god. Yes.

        Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:32:15 UTC from web
    5. @lelouch @maxdemone YEAH BABY

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:31:28 UTC from web
    6. @lelouch he wont

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:32:13 UTC from web
    7. @lelouch Assuming Nvr is ever on the web version q.q

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:32:57 UTC from web
    8. @lelouch I know he wont, if he does, probably just while and act victimized.

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:33:16 UTC from web
    9. @lelouch >dignity

      Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:34:20 UTC from web