@foxgopher what do you think of this cover?
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:14:08 UTC from web-
@rarity I'd probably like the black guy singing better, but I like his beat better. I still don't like the song.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:16:24 UTC from web-
@foxgopher yeah well okay
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:17:43 UTC from web-
@rarity Like if you could mix the two it'd be better, I just don't like it though. Idk why aight.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:18:27 UTC from web-
@foxgopher I just want someone on RDN to share my kiwi for Kendrick Lamar (or any of the other rap I listen to TBH)
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:20:02 UTC from web-
@rarity I'm touchy with rap. Like. I like Macklemore and The Streets, but I like old Chris Brown and some of Kanye. Idk what's wrong with me,
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:21:18 UTC from web-
@foxgopher Nobody here listens to Waka Flocka
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:25:42 UTC from web-
@rarity I've never heard anything by him
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:26:19 UTC from web -
@rarity My friends do.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:26:20 UTC from web-
@maou tell your friends that I like them
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:27:48 UTC from web-
@rarity Ew.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:28:12 UTC from web-
@maou I want them
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:29:37 UTC from web
@rarity Plus I'm more an Alternative guy.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:25:48 UTC from web-
@foxgopher I still like that Crystal Castles song you showed me
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:26:29 UTC from web-
@rarity Which one was that?
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:27:12 UTC from web-
@foxgopher this is the one and here's one of my favorite Flocka songs (#nsfw)
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:29:03 UTC from web-
@rarity I'll listen after this Black Keys amazingness.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:30:46 UTC from web-
@foxgopher I love the Black Keys
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:31:12 UTC from web-
@rarity They're so amazing.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:32:12 UTC from web
@rarity I'm listening to the whole song out of respect, but its ok. Not great.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:36:28 UTC from web-
@foxgopher you won't offend me if you don't like it. I know a lot of people aren't into it
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:37:50 UTC from web-
@rarity I'm just picky.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:38:38 UTC from web -
@rarity You haven't changed your skype pic, >_>
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:39:13 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre what does that mean
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:40:05 UTC from web-
@rarity It means candy. Here's some:
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:41:37 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre gimme
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:42:10 UTC from web-
@rarity You can has them all if you come trick or treating with me.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:42:44 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre my mom says I'm too old for trick or treating
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:43:31 UTC from web-
@rarity Wait how old are you?
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:44:22 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre 18.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:44:34 UTC from web-
@rarity Ahh right then. Your mom is lying.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:46:24 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre welp
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:46:39 UTC from web-
@rarity Now get your half puerto rican cherries in my possibly stolen golf cart an lets go trick or treating'
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:47:48 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre is it modded
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:48:47 UTC from web-
@rarity Yup.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:49:01 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre I know, Rarity isn't my favorite but she's more interesting than... um... umm...
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:50:39 UTC from web-
@pokestrike Now go get an avatar of her #joinud
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:51:28 UTC from web-
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:51:39 UTC from web
@bowandlyre UD - Universal Dinosaurs
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:52:04 UTC from web-
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:52:51 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre You're the only one losing their mind. #NSFW
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:53:58 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg *That's the joke*
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:55:26 UTC from web
@rarity If there were people around here who even gave candy on halloween, I would still be trick or treating.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:44:40 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg Phbt i had to go to a different neighborhood to trick or treat, it was of a "friend" of mine she's in collage now so just to let ya'll now, bowman scored with an older chick.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:45:59 UTC from web
@rarity Is betterssss
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:39:45 UTC from web-
@foxgopher Is this new stuff
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:40:46 UTC from web-
@rarity It's off El Camino
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:41:06 UTC from web-
@foxgopher well damn
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:41:35 UTC from web-
@rarity :3
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:42:09 UTC from web-
@foxgopher I've never been big into them okay xP I assumed since it had a video it was a new single
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:42:57 UTC from web-
@rarity Nah I understand. I'm just listening to the entire album now.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:45:43 UTC from web
@snowcone I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:19:24 UTC from web -
@snowcone the bad news is you missed my stream earlier today.
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:20:14 UTC from web -
@snowcone the good news is I'm going to stream again tonight
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:21:11 UTC from web -
@snowcone Ask the neighborhood
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:44:38 UTC from web -
@snowcone I know right?
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:46:42 UTC from web -
@snowcone "Possibly stolen"
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:48:40 UTC from web -
@snowcone No. I'm still a making out virgin XD
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:56:32 UTC from web -
@snowcone Did you take me seriously?
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:57:14 UTC from web -
@snowcone Yeah but. I'm not that cool ;~;
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:58:25 UTC from web -
@snowcone I could be king of !Foreveralon
Thursday, 16-May-13 01:59:46 UTC from web -
@snowcone !foreveralone -_- PHOOONE!
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:00:05 UTC from web -
@snowcone No, I want the 3 things women have you don't.
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:05:33 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre Pheromones, a period and restrooms without urinals?
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:07:59 UTC from web-
@nerthos grapes applesy and boobs.
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:08:36 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre So... food?
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:08:59 UTC from web-
@nerthos Censor won't let me be honest :(
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:09:16 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre SBN?
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:09:41 UTC from web-
@nerthos If you want
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:09:58 UTC from web
@bowandlyre @nerthos free help on MMOs?
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:09:19 UTC from web-
@mushi You guys are horrible at this game
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:09:41 UTC from web-
@bowandlyre people to hold your bags in the busses?
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:11:58 UTC from web
@zeldatra You are home, and now your in a dumpster
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:06:02 UTC from web -
@snowcone Because no.
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:06:31 UTC from web -
@snowcone I can't grab my imagination
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:07:11 UTC from web -
@snowcone No thanks I like realith
Thursday, 16-May-13 02:08:54 UTC from web