

  1. now I'm itching to play some games lol

    Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:24:14 UTC from web
    1. @aloriality OOH OOH lets play kill justin beaver

      Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:24:42 UTC from web
      1. @flutterguyemokid yes lets!!!

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:24:57 UTC from web
      2. I am a jelly doughnut

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:25:06 UTC from web
        1. @lordsombra87 would you a jellybaby?

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:26:59 UTC from web
          1. @techdisk Nyet

            Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:28:08 UTC from web
      3. @flutterguyemokid What did Justin Beaver ever do to you? He only wanted to eat wood

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:25:28 UTC from web
        1. @vampirequeen But the woodchuck chucked too much wood.

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:25:52 UTC from web
          1. @flutterguyemokid I see

            Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:26:21 UTC from web
        2. @vampirequeen OH

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:26:29 UTC from web
      4. @flutterguyemokid can i end him with a battleship shell?

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:25:29 UTC from web
        1. @lordsombra87 end him with anything u want

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:26:25 UTC from web
          1. @flutterguyemokid I shall sic very very hungry pig on him and watch them eat him alive

            Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:26:52 UTC from web
            1. @lordsombra87 someone needs a little hospital time :P

              Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:27:26 UTC from web
              1. @flutterguyemokid im not crazy......or am i?

                Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:27:45 UTC from web
                1. @lordsombra87 the world may never know.

                  Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:27:57 UTC from web
                  1. @flutterguyemokid Oh the world just dont want to admit it

                    Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:28:31 UTC from web
      5. @flutterguyemokid though it's it beber or something? Beaver is my national animal, well one of them, and I don't want it related to some kid like this Justin guy

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:26:01 UTC from web
        1. @aloriality agreed

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:27:39 UTC from web
          1. @flutterguyemokid any plans? there are a few others I'd like to 'knock off' too

            Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:28:11 UTC from web
            1. @aloriality ..............

              Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:28:29 UTC from web
              1. @flutterguyemokid we could do the Family Guy thing, when Peter takes the role of Death, and get them all on a plane and stuffs

                Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:29:18 UTC from web
                1. @aloriality If i'm lewis, do i get to live?

                  Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:29:59 UTC from web
                  1. @flutterguyemokid I know, what is lewis?

                    Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:30:31 UTC from web
                    1. @aloriality well i thought it was peter's wife, but i wouldn't know considering i barely watch that show

                      Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:30:58 UTC from web
                      1. @flutterguyemokid oh Family guy, aww, you are missing out by not watching.

                        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:31:30 UTC from web
                        1. @aloriality I shall begin my journey tomorrow. :P

                          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:31:53 UTC from web
                        2. @aloriality I shall begin my journey tomorrow. :P

                          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:32:00 UTC from web
                          1. @flutterguyemokid no, not yet, we gotta figure out who else to add on the hitlist

                            Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:32:37 UTC from web
                            1. @aloriality hmm, ur righ

                              Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:33:32 UTC from web
                              1. @flutterguyemokid well most of those I dislike are already dead, so, umm, let's think about media whores to get rid of

                                Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:34:07 UTC from web
                                1. @aloriality i could think of 15 in 3 seconds

                                  Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:35:03 UTC from web
                                  1. @flutterguyemokid alright, lets' say the plane carries like 30

                                    Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:35:48 UTC from web
                                    1. @aloriality muahahahahaha

                                      Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:36:00 UTC from web
                                      1. @flutterguyemokid and not just music wanna-be's we can kill useless actors and other media figures

                                        Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:36:22 UTC from web
                                        1. @aloriality lets do skrillex. His scary ponies and nice parasprites annoy me.

                                          Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:37:11 UTC from web
                                          1. @flutterguyemokid alright he's added tot he list

                                            Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:37:26 UTC from web
            2. @aloriality well that escalated quickly

              Wednesday, 29-May-13 03:29:06 UTC from web