

  1. Sorry guys, almost got in a car accident :/

    Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:04:08 UTC from web
    1. @flutterguyemokid don't type and drive!!!

      Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:05:20 UTC from web
      1. @aloriality I'm not the one driving lol

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:06:03 UTC from web
      2. @aloriality my moms driving and some idiot truck driver almost ran a redlight cuz he was going too fast. He burned A LOT of rubber

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:08:27 UTC from web
        1. @flutterguyemokid oo, well that's hard to deal with, cuz you would be on the passenger side and you would be hit... I hope all is well now, I know when my mom and I got hit from behind my mom was in hysteria,,

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:09:39 UTC from web
          1. @aloriality I won't allow you to use my name and put words in my mouth like that

            Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:15:27 UTC from web
          2. @aloriality thanks, and yes everythings fine now :) the truck missed us so nobody was hurt

            Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:15:32 UTC from web
            1. @flutterguyemokid hope yuou are all ok, though, a scare like that can cause worry down the road

              Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:16:07 UTC from web
              1. @aloriality luckily, no one in my family really types and drives. When she gets a message, I turn into her "spike" and type the message for her

                Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:19:52 UTC from web
                1. @flutterguyemokid THAT one was redone by that is good, in a way, but also boring O_O

                  Wednesday, 29-May-13 17:22:24 UTC from web