

  1. Mornin' everypony

    Monday, 25-Jul-11 09:40:51 UTC from web
    1. @morphtronichaybale morning

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 09:42:59 UTC from web
      1. @twilightsparkles How you doin?

        Monday, 25-Jul-11 09:48:32 UTC from web
        1. @morphtronichaybale I am great! how are you?

          Monday, 25-Jul-11 09:52:17 UTC from web
    2. @abigpony nothing much i gota go to Violin practice in a few hours though. Gotta get a increase on the coffee now!

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 09:47:35 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony Yeh iv'e been at the thing for most of my life, i think i was urmmm.....7? now i'm 18

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 09:56:06 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony *feels evil* Darn

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 10:06:41 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony ok thanks for looking out for me much appreciated

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 10:12:03 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony *scared* plays

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 10:24:28 UTC from web